De Substance Painter al render Final en Marmoset o Arnold

De Substance Painter al render Final en Marmoset o Arnold

We often find that our textures do not look the same as we have prepared them in Substance Painter when applying them in Marmoset, Arnold, Unreal, vRay, etc. In this workshop, I’ll show you the industry tricks to get the most out of your textures and discover how to take the dynamics of your materials to the next level

Date: Tuesday, November 26th, 6pm – 7pm
Language: Spanish
Format: Online

Target Profiles

From intermediate to advanced.


Esteve Garriga

Higher Technician in 3D Animation, games, and interactive environments by IDEP Barcelona. He is certified as a professional and teacher by Autodesk in Maya and Arnold render.

Generalist 3D Artist with more than 20 years of experience in 3D productions of all kinds, from promotional videos and documentaries, through 3D printing, archviz, animation, and video games. His areas of expertise are object and character topology, rigging, shading, rendering, pipeline, and production. Since 2013 he has combined this activity with teaching.


Event Details
  • Start Date
    11/26/2024 18:00 CET
  • Category
Event Details
  • Start Date
    11/26/2024 18:00 CET
  • Category