Workshop 23 EN

16:30 CET
In this workshop we will talk about the productions that can be made with Unreal Engine.
18:00 CET
This workshop we will cover the entire technical process of creating a CG digital creature within a 3D software or space.
16:30 CET
Hobby vs Work, how to combine life in animation studies with your personal life, imposter syndrome or the famous “Carpe Diem”
18:00 CET
In this workshop we will address the different aspects that make explosion simulation an art.
16:30 CET
Introduction to previs and layout in animation, specifically in video game cinematics work
18:00 CET
How to work in the Lighting and Compo section in a large animation project?
18:30 CET
You will learn how to get an animation prop of eighty thousand polygons to have just two thousand..
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